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Are you interested in how Masca will evolve in the future?

DID methods:

  • Resolve DIDs
  • did:ethr
  • did:key
  • did:pkh
  • did:jwk
  • did:cheqd
  • did:ebsi
  • did:ens
  • did:polygonid
  • did:iden3
  • ...

Verifiable Credentials (VCs):

  • Store
  • Retrieval from a single storage
  • Retrieval from multiple storages
  • Filtering based on a query (e.g., JSONPath query)
  • Create custom VC
  • Validate an existing VC
  • Structure verification
  • Revocation
  • ...

Verifiable Presentations (VPs):

  • Create with single VCs
  • Create with multiple VCs
  • Validate an existing VP
  • ...

Storage options:

  • MetaMask Snap State (local, off-chain)
  • Ceramic Network
  • Google Drive
  • Kepler (SpruceID)
  • ...


  • Signing with MetaMask keys
  • Selective Disclosure - SD-JWT
  • Selective Disclosure - BBS+
  • Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs)
  • ...

Proof formats:

  • JWT
  • EIP712
  • JSON Web Proofs
  • ...

Digital identity standards:

  • PEX (Presentation Exchange)
  • OpenID Connect (SIOP, OIDC4VC, and OIDC4VP)
  • Credential Manifest
  • DIDComm
  • ...

Masca dapp:

  • DID method selection
  • Import, list, and delete VCs
  • Manage settings
  • Create VPs
  • Move VC to another storage
  • Share VCs
  • Import VCs
  • Export VCs
  • Export state (encrypted)
  • Public profiles
  • ...

Snaps-related functionality:

  • Snap UI Elements
  • Settings and storage synchronization across multiple devices
  • Featured on Snaps registry
  • ...

dapp integrations:

  • Snapshot
  • ...

This page is subject to change in the future.

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