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Using Masca connector SDK

Account Switching

Account switching must be handled by the dapp! This is required for Masca to work properly. Without appropriately calling this method, switching Accounts in MetaMask will NOT result in switching accounts in Masca! We recommend using the window.ethereum.on('accountsChanged', handler: (accounts: Array<string>);. More on this can be found here.

// When account changes in dapp
window.ethereum.on('accountsChanged', (...accounts) => {
const setAccountRes = await api.setCurrentAccount({
currentAccount: (accounts[0] as string[])[0],

if (isError(setAccountRes)) {

Save VC

saveCredential is used to save a VC under the currently selected MetaMask account. Parameter vc is a W3CVerifiableCredential VC. Invalid format might lead to failure when generating VPs. We recommend using Veramo to generate VCs with this interface. Optional parameter options defines where the VC will get saved. VC can be stored in one or more places at the same time.

const res = await api.saveCredential(verifiableCredential, {
store: ['ceramic', 'snap'],

Query VCs

queryCredentials is used to get a list of VCs stored by the currently selected MetaMask account. Optional parameter params is an object with optional properties filter and options.

Filter defines what queryCredentials returns and Options defines where to search for data and what format to return it in.

QueryCredentialsRequestParams type:

type QueryCredentialsRequestParams = {
filter?: {
type: string;
filter: unknown;
options?: {
store?: AvailableCredentialStores | AvailableCredentialStores[];
returnStore?: boolean;

Currently, 3 different filter types are supported; none, id, and JSONPath. Type none will work as if no filter property was provided, id will search for matching ID of VC and JSONPath will use jsonpath lib to find matching VCs.

In the case of id, filter.filter is a string of an id.

In the case of JSONPath, filter.filter is a string containing JSONPath string.


The query needs to start with while filtering VC alone.

A JSONPath example:

const jsonPath =
'$[?( == "Certified Solidity Developer 2")]';

Options defines where to search for VCs. One or more supported stores can be provided. If returnStore is enabled, metadata of returned VCs will contain a string where they're stored.

// Get a single VC or a list of VCs you're looking for
const vcs = await api.queryCredentials({
filter: {
type: id,
filter: '123456',
options: {
returnStore: true,


// To get all VCs
const vcs = await api.queryCredentials();

Create VP

createPresentation is used to get a VP for one or more specific VCs. Params object is of type:

export type CreatePresentationRequestParams = {
vcs: W3CVerifiableCredential[];
proofFormat?: 'jwt' | 'lds' | 'EthereumEip712Signature2021';
proofOptions?: {
type?: string;
domain?: string;
challenge?: string;

vcs is a list of VCs of type W3CVerifiableCredential.

proofFormat can be jwt, jsonld or EthereumEip712Signature2021.

options is optional and is used to define domain, type and challenge if needed.

holder of the VP will be a DID generated based on currently selected MetaMask account AND currently selected DID Method.

// Get VP
const vp = await api.createPresentation({
vcs: [verifiableCredentialObject],
proofFormat: 'jwt',
options: {
challenge: '123456789',

Create VC

createCredential is used to return a VC created from the provided payload. This VC can be optionally stored in Masca.

const payload: MinimalUnsignedCredential = {
type: ['VerifiableCredential', 'Test Certificate'],
credentialSubject: {
accomplishmentType: 'Test Certificate',
id: 'did:ethr:sepolia:0x123...321',
credentialSchema: {
id: '',
type: 'JsonSchemaValidator2018',
'@context': [

const res = await api.createCredential({
minimalUnsignedCredential: payload,
proofFormat: 'jwt',
options: {
save: 'true',
store: ['snap'],

minimalUnsignedCredential is a minimal object which is used to create a VC. It needs to contain at least credentialSubject, type & @context.

proofFormat is used to specify which proof format is used to sign the VC. options allow dapps to specify whether they want and where they want to store the VC.

Delete VC

deleteCredential is used to delete a VC from one or more stores

id - id of VC

options is optional and is used to select a store where to delete VC from.

const res = await api.deleteCredential('123', { store: 'snap' });


getDID and getSelectedMethod are used to get current did and currently selected did method.

const res = await api.getDID();

const res = await api.getSelectedMethod();

Supported DID Methods and VC Stores

getAvailableCredentialStores and getAvailableMethods are used to get all supported methods and vcstores

const supportedMethods = await api.getAvailableMethods();

const supportedStores = await api.getAvailableCredentialStores();

Switch DID Method

switchDIDMethod is used to switch the currently selected DID method.

await api.switchDIDMethod('did:key');

Configure VC Stores

setCredentialStore is used to enable/disable a specific VC store. By default both snap & ceramic are enabled!

const res = await api.setCredentialStore('ceramic', false);

Resolve DID

resolveDID is used to resolve a specified DID and returns DIDResolutionResult which contains DID Document, if the resolution is successful.

const didRes = await api.resolveDID('did:ethr:0x01:0x123...4567');

Verify Data

verifyData is used to verify a VC or a VP in Masca.

By default, this RPC method only returns a boolean. This can be changed by setting verbose to true, which changes the return type Veramo's IVerifyResult object.

const vcRes = await api.verifyData({ credential: VC, verbose: true });
// OR
const vpRes = await api.verifyData({ presentation: VP, verbose: true });

Snap Settings

togglePopups is used to enable/disable the "Are you sure?" alerts on any dapp. Popups are enabled by default for user to approve every action.

addTrustedDapp is used to add a dapp to the list of trusted dapps. Popups do not appear on trusted dapps. This method can be called to add ANY dapp ONLY ON On any other dapp origin is set automatically (You can only add dapp X on dapp X). Input is a hostname of a dapp

removeTrustedDapp is used to remove a dapp from the list of trusted dapps. This method can only remove dapps with the same origin (dApp X can only remove dapp X). Input is a hostname of a dapp

changePermission is used to change permissions for a specific RPC method on a specific dapp. This will enable/disable popups for said method on said dapp.

getSnapSettings and getAccountSettings are used to retrieve global settings and settings for currently selected account. Inputs are hostname of a dapp, RPC method and boolean value to disable (true)/enable (false) popups.

Note that above methods require hostname ( and not full URL ( to work. Using full URL will result in error.

const res = await api.togglePopups();

const res = await api.addTrustedDapp('');

const res = await api.removeTrustedDapp("");

const res = await api.changePermission("", 'queryCredentials', true) // This will disable popups for queryCredentials on
const res = await api.getSnapSettings();

const res = await api.getAccountSettings();

Sign data

signData is used to sign JWTs and JWZs

// JWT
const res = await api.signData({
type: 'JWT',
data: {
header: {...}
payload: {...}

// JWZ
const res = await api.signData({
type: 'JWZ',
data: {...} // Valid JSONObject

Credential Exchange

handleAuthorizationRequest is

handleCredentialOffer is

const res = await api.handleAuthorizationRequest({credentialOffer: '...'})

const res = await api.handleCredentialOffer({authorizationRequest: '...'})

State Backup

State can be exported and imported using methods exportStateBackup and importStateBackup

const res = await api.exportStateBackup()

const res = await api.importStateBackup({serializedState: '...'})

Working with VCs

It is up to the dapp to issue VCs and/or request VPs/VCs and verify their validity (scheme, subject, controller, content, etc.). We recommend using the Veramo Framework.